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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Baked Alaska

Disclaimer: If you are a member of the Tea Party and/or Grand Old Party, please go to the following site now: http://www.hannity.com/. You'll find the words there as comforting as your NASCAR Snuggie. The content below is satirical in nature. For a definition of the word "satire," go here now: http://www.merriam-webster.com/. You'll find a very easy to understand explanation of that word. Warning: do not type in the word "misunderestimate." Sadly, you won't find it and the core of your belief system may be shaken. Bye now.

Ok, for the rest of you...Sarah Palin has a reality show coming soon to TLC!! You probably think I'm going to spend the remainder of this entry making comments like, "At last, the final harbinger of the apocalypse. Take us now angels of rapture! Surely, this is what has been foretold in the ancient scrolls of wisdom.?" Or maybe, "I can't wait for John McCain's upcoming cameo on The Jersey Shore." Or perhaps, "This is actually the first time the words Sarah Palin and reality have ever been mentioned in the same sentence." But, I'm sure every late night host has beaten me to that. Instead, I would like to submit the following...

This is a great thing. Why, you ask? Simple. Reality TV has become the last stop on the notoriety train for most "celebrities" - the 14th minute of Warhol's theory on fame, if you will. Take the Osbourne's. It was funny for a year or two and then we realized just how messed up these people really are; and that was the end of their run. All we have to do is put up with one (maybe two seasons) of Palin's unintentional satire on propaganda and then she's gone. No more Vice Presidential candidates who confuse an iceberg for Russia. No more Bristol Palin doing PSA's about abstinence (I mean, really? This is like asking Charlie Sheen to speak at an AA meeting). or making it to the finals of Dancing with the Stars - not that I watch that show.

Want another reason? Political funnies. I'll admit it, I miss Bushy a little bit. While running a superpower might not have been his strong suit, gaffing at press conferences and while abroad with dignitaries sure was. Palin might not have that same Royal family-like breeding, but she can deliver a one liner to make your brain implode with confusion and awe. Exhibit A came while she was referring to a department that does not exist.

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out."
Folks, don't be mad a Sarah Palin. She didn't invent crazy. Our society breeds it. The career of Carrot Top is the quintessential example. Just think of Palin as real-life X-man - a genetic leap in the crazy species. I'm sure Sarah Palin's Alaska will draw a huge audience - assuming it's not on opposite Paula Dean's cooking show - and be wildly successful. And just think of all the great episodes they can have. Years from now we'll all be talking about this show in Seinfeldian terms. "Remember the one when Sarah dressed up like Osama bin Laden for Halloween and her neighbor accidentally shot her? Or how about the one when Bristol took her baby to the hypnotist to convince it that it wasn't gay after it's first word was 'pink?'" See? It won't be so bad, ya know?

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